OpenPCDet loss utils
这个类实现了 focal loss,关于 focal loss 可以看这篇 知乎,白话来说:focal loss 使用了两个技巧改变 loss function 的分布:
- alpha 可以调节正负样本 loss 分布
- gamma 可以条件难易样本 loss 分布
上面知乎中的有一条评论也解决了我的疑惑,为什么正样本远小于负样本时 alpha 还取得较小:因为 gamma 的效应太大了,反而需要提升一点负样本的比重。总之就是实践出来的!
重新去查了下focal loss论文,在gamma=0时,alpha=0.75效果更好,但当gamma=2时,alpha=0.25效果更好,个人的解释为负样本(IOU<=0.5)虽然远比正样本(IOU>0.5)要多,但大部分为IOU很小(如<0.1)以至于在gamma作用后某种程度上贡献较大损失的负样本甚至比正样本还要少,所以alpha=0.25要反过来重新平衡负正样本
先来看 forward 函数的输入输出
def forward(self, input: torch.Tensor, target: torch.Tensor, weights: torch.Tensor):
input: (B, #anchors, #classes) float tensor.
Predicted logits for each class
target: (B, #anchors, #classes) float tensor.
One-hot encoded classification targets
weights: (B, #anchors) float tensor.
Anchor-wise weights.
weighted_loss: (B, #anchors, #classes) float tensor after weighting.
input 是 logits,也就是没有经过 sigmoid 的线性层输出
target 是 one-hot 向量
weights 是每个 anchor 的权重,通常是一个用于归一化的量,如 1 / num_foreground_anchor
- weighted_loss,经过 focal weights 和输入中 weights 加权过后得到的 binary cross entropy loss
首先需要计算每个 anchor 的每个类别预测的 loss,这是由 sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits
def sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(input: torch.Tensor, target: torch.Tensor):
""" PyTorch Implementation for tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits:
max(x, 0) - x * z + log(1 + exp(-abs(x))) in
input: (B, #anchors, #classes) float tensor.
Predicted logits for each class
target: (B, #anchors, #classes) float tensor.
One-hot encoded classification targets
loss: (B, #anchors, #classes) float tensor.
Sigmoid cross entropy loss without reduction
loss = torch.clamp(input, min=0) - input * target + \
return loss
在 pytorch 中与之功能几乎一样的是 nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss
或者 F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits
,二者的关系可以用下面的代码表示,pytorch link
sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(input, target)
= F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(input, target, reduction='none')
# 如果没有 reduction 则默认为 reduction = 'mean'
class SigmoidFocalClassificationLoss(nn.Module):
Sigmoid focal cross entropy loss.
def __init__(self, gamma: float = 2.0, alpha: float = 0.25):
gamma: Weighting parameter to balance loss for hard and easy examples.
alpha: Weighting parameter to balance loss for positive and negative examples.
super(SigmoidFocalClassificationLoss, self).__init__()
self.alpha = alpha
self.gamma = gamma
def sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(input: torch.Tensor, target: torch.Tensor):
# 如上一节所示
def forward(self, input: torch.Tensor, target: torch.Tensor, weights: torch.Tensor):
input: (B, #anchors, #classes) float tensor.
Predicted logits for each class
target: (B, #anchors, #classes) float tensor.
One-hot encoded classification targets
weights: (B, #anchors) float tensor.
Anchor-wise weights.
weighted_loss: (B, #anchors, #classes) float tensor after weighting.
pred_sigmoid = torch.sigmoid(input)
alpha_weight = target * self.alpha + (1 - target) * (1 - self.alpha)
pt = target * (1.0 - pred_sigmoid) + (1.0 - target) * pred_sigmoid
focal_weight = alpha_weight * torch.pow(pt, self.gamma)
bce_loss = self.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(input, target)
loss = focal_weight * bce_loss
# reshape weights to broadcast
if weights.shape.__len__() == 2 or \
(weights.shape.__len__() == 1 and target.shape.__len__() == 2):
weights = weights.unsqueeze(-1)
assert weights.shape.__len__() == loss.shape.__len__()
return loss * weights
这里做一下精简的理解,把一些提升灵活性和稳定性的代码去掉,仅看 SmoothL1Loss 的核心就会非常简洁
class WeightedSmoothL1Loss(nn.Module):
Code-wise Weighted Smooth L1 Loss modified based on fvcore.nn.smooth_l1_loss
| 0.5 * x ** 2 / beta if abs(x) < beta
smoothl1(x) = |
| abs(x) - 0.5 * beta otherwise,
where x = input - target.
def __init__(self, beta: float = 1.0 / 9.0):
super(WeightedSmoothL1Loss, self).__init__()
self.beta = beta
def smooth_l1_loss(diff, beta):
if beta < 1e-5:
# 如果 beta 太小则没有意义,退化为普通 L1 loss
loss = torch.abs(diff)
n = torch.abs(diff)
loss = torch.where(n < beta, 0.5 * n ** 2 / beta, n - 0.5 * beta)
return loss
def forward(self, input: torch.Tensor, target: torch.Tensor, weights: torch.Tensor = None):
input: (B, #anchors, #codes) float tensor.
Ecoded predicted locations of objects.
target: (B, #anchors, #codes) float tensor.
Regression targets.
weights: (B, #anchors) float tensor if not None.
loss: (B, #anchors) float tensor.
Weighted smooth l1 loss without reduction.
diff = input - target
loss = self.smooth_l1_loss(diff, self.beta)
# anchor-wise weighting
loss = loss * weights.unsqueeze(-1)
return loss
所谓的 weighted 也就是对每个 anchor 取权重,在 SigmoidFocalClassificationLoss 中 weights 一般是一个归一化的常量,这是因为正负样本都需要进行损失计算。WeightedSmoothL1Loss 通常用于计算 bbox regression 的损失,通常仅对正样本计算损失,所以这里的 weights 有一点点的区别:negative anchor 的权重为零,positive anchor 的权重为 1 / nums_positive_anchor
torch.where(condition, x, y)
是一个不错的方法,之后可以经常使用:condition 是条件,x 和 y 是同 shape 的矩阵, 针对矩阵中的某个位置的元素, 满足条件就返回 x,不满足就返回 y
留个坑,之后总结一下 torch 的常用操作
def forward(self, input: torch.Tensor, target: torch.Tensor, weights: torch.Tensor):
input: (B, #anchors, #classes) float tensor.
Predited logits for each class.
target: (B, #anchors, #classes) float tensor.
One-hot classification targets.
weights: (B, #anchors) float tensor.
Anchor-wise weights.
loss: (B, #anchors) float tensor.
Weighted cross entropy loss without reduction
input = input.permute(0, 2, 1)
target = target.argmax(dim=-1)
loss = F.cross_entropy(input, target, reduction='none') * weights
return loss
CrossEntropyLoss & BCEWithLogitsLoss
关于 pytorch 实现的 CrossEntropyLoss: pytorch link。这里不禁让我思考这与 BCEWithLogitsLoss 的区别:
二者都是使用 logits 作为输入以维护数值稳定性
二者的 target 形状有区别,CE 通常要少一个维度,因为 CE 使用 target 的 index 作为标签。而 BCE 中 targe 和 input 形状是保持一致的,相当于是一个 point wise 交叉熵计算
CrossEntropyLoss 使用的是 softmax 计算每个类别的概率得分,是归一化的,该归一化操作将在 softmax 分母体现,能够获得全局的信息。而 BCEWithLogitsLoss 使用的是 sigmoid 计算得分,并不是归一化的
当 BCE 拓展到多个类别过后,其损失不仅包括是该类别的损失,也包括不是该类别的损失。而 Cross Entropy 就仅仅计算是该类的损失(实际上通过归一化,也能有其他负面反馈的信息)
下面是 BCE 的损失函数(可以暂时忽略 $w_n$ 以便理解),$x, y$ 为形状相同的向量,可以暂时假设为 N x C,N 代表样本数量
这是 CE 的损失函数(可以暂时忽略 $w_n$ 以便理解),$x, y$ 形状不同,可以先暂时假设
x.shape = (N, C) & y.shape = (N,)